Exhibitors we have Sponsorships available:
Cancellations are subject to a $150.00 administration fee and must be received in writing no later than September 24, 2024 in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued after that date.
We are offering attendees an opportunity to have their spouse/guest attend the following Conference Events:
Welcome Reception, Luncheon & Exhibitor’s Night for a total fee of $200.00.
nal Sessions or participate in any raffles.
Photography: CCUCC, itself or attendees, may be photographing and/or videotaping sessions and events during the CCUCC Educational Conference. By registering for this conference, attendees acknowledge these activities and agree to allow their image to be used by CCUCC, such as in association publications, on CCUCC’s website and in marketing materials, without compensation.
The CCUCC reserves the right to disallow the Guest rate.
Mandy Thorn
KeyPoint Credit Union
ph: (408) 731-4136